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- From emv@math.lsa.umich.edu Fri Sep 28 01:23:45 1990
- From: emv@math.lsa.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti)
- Newsgroups: comp.text.sgml
- Subject: Reading List on SGML (in SGML)
- Date: 27 Sep 90 20:48:52 GMT
- Reply-To: Lou Burnard <lou@ws.oxford.ac.uk>
- Organization: University of Michigan Math Dept., Ann Arbor MI.
- Lou Burnard asked me to pass this along:
- From: Lou Burnard <lou@ws.oxford.ac.uk>
- Someone on this list asked for suggestions for further reading on SGML.
- There follows a brief (100 lines) Reading List on SGML, in SGML.
- It is extracted from the recently published Guidelines for the
- Encoding and Interchange of Machine Readable Texts of the Text
- Encoding Initiative.
- <!DOCTYPE list.citn
- [
- <!-- DTD fragment for citations drafted: LB 26 May 90 -->
- <!element list.citn - - (citn|citn.struct)* >
- <!entity % citn.bits "(author|editor|title|title.piece
- |series|publisher|publ.city|publ.date
- |imprint|citn.detail|comment)" >
- <!element citn - o (#PCDATA | %citn.bits)* >
- <!element citn.struct - o (author?,editor?,title.piece*,title,
- series?,publisher?,publ.city?,publ.date?,
- imprint?,citn.detail*,comment?) >
- <!element %citn.bits - o (#PCDATA) >
- ]>
- <!-- This is the short SGML Reading list referred to in section 3.1 -->
- <AUTHOR>Barnard, David et al </author>
- <TITLE.piece>SGML Based Markup for literary texts </title.piece>
- <TITLE>Computers and the Humanities</title>
- <PUBL.DATE>1988</publ.date>
- <CITN.DETAIL>vol 22 pp 265-76</citn.detail>
- <COMMENT>Pioneering attempt to represent literary structures using SGML.</comment>
- </citn.struct>
- <AUTHOR>Barron, David</author>
- <TITLE.piece> Why use SGML?
- <TITLE>Electronic Publishing
- <PUBL.DATE>April 1989
- <CITN.DETAIL> vol 2(1) pp 3-24
- <COMMENT>Well-written brief overview of SGML in context of
- other developments in electronic text handling
- <AUTHOR>Bryan, Martin
- <TITLE>SGML: an author's guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language
- <PUBLISHER>Addison-Wesley
- <PUBL.DATE>1988
- <COMMENT>Detailed text book giving full treatment of the
- standard, but primarily from the publishing perspective.
- <AUTHOR>Coombs, James H. et al
- <TITLE.piece>Markup systems and the future of scholarly text processing
- <TITLE> Communications of the ACM
- <PUBL.DATE>November 1987
- <CITN.DETAIL>Vol 30 no 11 ppp 933-47
- <COMMENT>Classic polemic in favour of descriptive over
- procedural markup presented from the scholarly perspective
- <citn.struct>
- <author><CITN.STRUCT>
- <AUTHOR>International Organisation for Standardisation
- <TITLE>ISO 8879: Information processing - Text and office
- systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
- <PUBL.DATE>1986
- <COMMENT>Annexes A and B to the Standard provide a formal
- but readable summary of its most important features.
- <AUTHOR>International Organisation for Standardisation
- <TITLE>ISO/TR 9573: Information processing - SGML support
- facilities - Techniques for using SGML
- <PUBL.DATE>1988
- <COMMENT>Tutorial discussion of main features of the standard with some interesting examples
- <EDITOR>McCarty, Willard
- <TITLE.piece>[Humanist's Markup Topic files] [computer files]
- <TITLE> Humanist Electronic Discussion Group
- <PUBL.DATE>March-May 1989
- <COMMENT>Contain a wealth of informed and uninformed comment and speculation
- about markup in general and SGML in particular. Available from ListServ
- <AUTHOR>van Herwijnen, Eric
- <TITLE>Practical SGML
- <PUBLISHER>Wolters Kluwer
- <PUBL.DATE>1990 (June)
- <COMMENT>General purpose introductory textbook
- <AUTHOR>Warmer, J. and S. van Egmond
- <TITLE.piece>The implementation of the Amsterdam SGML parser
- <TITLE> Electronic Publishing
- <PUBL.DATE>July 1989
- <CITN.DETAIL> vol 2 (2), pp65-90
- COMMENT>Discusses some of technical problems in implementing an SGML compiler
- using standard LL(1) parser-generator techniques
- <AUTHOR>Wu, Gilbert S.K.
- <TITLE>SGML theory and practice (British Library research paper 68)
- <PUBL.DATE>1989
- <COMMENT>Section 3 is a good 30 page summary of the most salient features
- of the standard
- </list.citn>
- =======================================================================
- Lou Burnard
- Associate Editor, Text Encoding Initiative
- Oxford University Computing Service LOU@UK.AC.OX.VAX
- ========================================================================
- From robin@txsil.lonestar.org Sun Oct 14 14:17:45 1990
- From: robin@txsil.lonestar.org (Robin Cover)
- Newsgroups: comp.text.sgml
- Subject: Re: Reading List on SGML (in SGML)
- Summary: SGML Bibliography (long!)
- Date: 13 Oct 90 23:22:54 GMT
- Organization: Summer Inst. of Linguistics, Dallas TX
- In light of the frequent request for essential bibliography on SGML,
- I will post a revised version of a brief bibliography, complete with
- abstracts. Presumably Ed Vielmetti will archive this for others who
- will join the discussion asking "What is SGML anyway?" I have stripped
- unsightly SGML coding and categorized the entries. The longer bibliography
- >from which this is excerpted contains a section (developed by Nick Duncan
- and David Barnard) containing SGML-style tags that go beyond BiBTeX but
- are based upon BiBTeX (see section #7). As many have noted (re: MARC
- formats), building the taxonomy & hierarchy for bibliograpic tags
- is hard, but within disciplines it should be manageable. Happy reading.
- Robin Cover
- ======================================================================
- ==========================================
- ==========================================
- Barron, David. "Why Use SGML?" Electronic Publishing 2/1
- (April 1989) 3-24. CODEN: EPODEU; ISSN 0894-3982. Abstract: The
- Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) is a recently-adopted
- International Standard (ISO 8879). The paper presents some
- background material on markup systems, gives a brief account of
- SGML, and attempts to clarify the precise nature and purpose of
- SGML, which are widely misunderstood. It then goes on to explore
- the reasons why SGML should (or should not) be used in preference
- to older-established systems. A summary of the article is also
- printed in "Why Use SGML," SGML Users' Group Newsletter
- 13 (August 1989) 10.
- [Burnard, Lou.] "Use of SGML Markup." Chapter 2 (pp. 9-38) in
- Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of Machine-Readable Texts
- (Text Encoding Initiative, Draft Version 1.0 - See below)
- Coombs, James; Renear, Allen; DeRose, Steven . "Markup Systems and
- the Future of Scholarly Text Processing." CACM 30/11
- (1987) 933-947. ISSN: 0001-0782; cf. CACM 31/7 (July
- 1988) 810-11) Abstract: The authors argue that many word
- processing systems distract authors from their tasks of research
- and composition, toward concern with typographic and other tasks.
- Emphasis on "WYSIWYG", while helpful for display, has ignored a
- more fundamental concern: representing document structure. Four
- main types of markup are analyzed: Punctuational (spaces,
- punctuation,...), presentational (layout, font choice,...),
- procedural (formatting commands), and descriptive (mnemonic labels
- for document elements). Only some ancient manuscripts have
- no markup. Any form of markup can be formatted for
- display, but descriptive markup is privileged because it reflects
- the underlying structure. ISO SGML is a descriptive markup
- standard, but most benefits are available even before a standard
- is widely accepted. A descriptively marked-up document is not
- tied to formatting or printing capabilities. It is maintainable,
- for the typographic realization of any type of element can be
- changed in a single operation, with guaranteed consistency. It
- can be understood even with <emph>no</> markup formatting
- software: compare "<blockquote>" to ".sk 3 a; .in +10 -10; .ls 0;
- .cp 2". It is relatively portable across views, applications and
- systems. Descriptive markup also minimizes cognitive demands: the
- author need only recall (or recognize in a menu) a mnemonic for
- the desired element, rather than also deciding how it is currently
- to appear, and recalling how to obtain that appearance. Most of
- this extra work is thrown away before final copy; descriptive
- markup allows authors to focus on authorship. (abstract supplied
- by Steve DeRose)
- DeRose, Steven J.; Durand, David G.; Mylonas, Elli; Renear, Allen
- H. "What is Text, Really?" Journal of Computing in Higher
- Education 1/2 (Winter 1990) 3-26. ISSN: 1042-1726. Abstract:
- "The way in which text is represented on a computer affects the
- kinds of uses to which it can be put by its creator and by
- subsequent users. The electronic document model currently in use
- is impoverished and restrictive. The authors agree that text is
- best represented as an ordered hierarchy of content object[s]
- (OHCO), because that is what text really is. This model conforms
- with emerging standards such as SGML and contains within it
- advantages for the writer, publisher, and researcher. The authors
- then describe how the hierarchical model can allow future use and
- reuse of the document as a database, hypertext or network."
- Herwijnen, Eric van. Practical SGML. Dordrecht/Hingham,
- MA: Wolters Kluwer Academic Publishers. 200 pages. ISBN: 0-7923
- 0635-X. The book is designed as a "practical SGML survival-kit for
- SGML users (especially authors) rather than developers," and
- itself constitutes an experiment in SGML publishing." A painless
- introduction to the essentials of SGML.
- Wu, Gilbert. SGML Theory and Practice. British Library Research
- Paper 68. British Library Research and Development Department,
- 1989. ISSN 0269-9257 [68]; ISBN 0-7123-3211-1. 93 pages.
- ==========================================
- 2. SGML Manuals (Commentary & Indices)
- ==========================================
- Bryan, Martin. SGML: An Author's Guide to the Standard
- Generalized Markup Language. Wokingham/Reading/New York:
- Addison-Wesley, 1988. ISBN 0-201-17535-5 (pbk); LC CALL NO.:
- QA76.73.S44 B79 1988. 380 pages. A highly detailed and
- useful manual explaining and illustrating features of ISO 8879.
- Goldfarb, Charles F. The SGML Handbook. Oxford: Oxford
- University Press. Fall, 1990. ISBN: 0198537379. Announced as
- a "monumental 560-page work" by IBM Senior Systems Analyst and
- acknowledged "father of SGML." The book constitutes an annotated,
- cross-referenced and indexed copy of the ISO 8879 Standard and
- Amendment 1, with annotations, tutorials and reference material.
- See "News. New Goldfarb Book About SGML," EPSIG News 3/1
- (March 1990) 4 and further details in (GCA's) TECHInfo
- (July 1990) 1.
- Smith, Joan M.; Stutely, Robert S. SGML: The Users' Guide to
- ISO 8879. Chichester/New York: Ellis Horwood/Halsted, 1988.
- ISBN 0-7458-0221-4 (Ellis Horwood) and 0-470-21126-1 (Halsted);
- LC CALL NO.: QA76.73.S44 S44 1988. The book includes subject indices
- to ISO 8879. An Overview of the book may be found in the SGML Users'
- Group Newsletter 9 (August 1988) 9.
- ==========================================
- 3. SGML Implementations
- ==========================================
- Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of Machine
- Readable Texts, eds. C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen and Lou
- Burnard. TEI-P1, Version 1.0 15-July-1990. xiv + 280 pages.
- This volume represents the results of work in Phase I of the
- International Text Encoding Initiative, sponsored by ACH/ACL/ALLC
- and several advisory associations. The publication describes and
- illustrates mechanisms (some experimental) for SGML markup of many
- kinds of documents, especially for humanities fields (literary and
- linguistic study). Contact the editors: in the US,
- Michael Sperberg-McQueen; BITNET: <U35395@UICVM>; Computer Center
- (M/C 135); University of Illinois at Chicago; Box 6998; Chicago,
- IL 60680; Tel: (312) 996-2981; in the UK, Lou Burnard; JANET:
- <lou@vax.ox.ac.uk>; Oxford University Computing Service; 13
- Banbury Road; Oxford OX2 6NN; Tel: (44) 865-273238.
- Standard for Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup.
- (ANSI/NISO Z39.59-1988. Version 2. EPSIG/American Association
- of Publishers, August, 1987. This document was developed over
- several years as the "AAP Standard," it is now designated by
- EPSIG/AAP as "the Electronic Manuscript Standard" or simply as the
- "Standard." It is SGML-conforming, and provides a suggested
- tagset for authors and publishers. The document has been
- recommended for "fast track" ISO approval by working group 6 (TC
- 46/SC 4/WG 6). EPSIG (Electronic Publication Special Interest
- Group) also publishes the newsletter EPSIG News in support
- of its manuscript standard, and generally in support of SGML.
- Contact: EPSIG; Ms. Betsy Kiser; c/o OCLC, Mail Code 278; 6565
- Frantz Road; Dublin, OH 43017-0702; Tel: (614) 764-6195; Fax:
- (614) 764-6096.
- Warmer, Jos; van Egmond, Sylvia. "The Implementation of the
- Amsterdam SGML Parser." Electronic Publishing: Origination,
- Dissemination and Design (EPOdd) 2/2 (July 1989) 3-28. ISSN:
- 0894-3982. Abstract: The Standard Generalized Markup Language
- (SGML) is an ISO Standard that specifies a language for document
- representation. This paper gives a short introduction to SGML and
- describes the (Vrije Universiteit) Amsterdam SGML Parser and the
- problems we encountered in implementing the Standard. These
- problems include the interpretation of the Standard in places
- where it is ambiguous and the technical problems in parsing SGML
- documents.
- ==========================================
- 4. Standards Publications
- ==========================================
- ISO 8879: Information Processing -- Text and Office Systems
- -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). International
- Organization for Standardization. Ref. No. ISO 8879-1986 (E).
- Geneva/New York, 1986. [A one-page tech note on the ISO (as a
- FIPS document, FIPS-PUB-152) provides the following abstract (see
- "Publishing Standard Allows for the Transfer of Documents from
- Author to Publisher" [NTIS Tech Note, 081914000; National Bureau
- of Standards, Gaithersburg, MD; May 1989].) Abstract: This
- citation summarizes a one-page announcement of technology
- available for utilization. A Federal Information Processing
- Standard (FIPS) recently approved by the Secretary of Commerce
- should help federal agencies improve their communications with
- publishing organizations. (FIPS are developed by NIST for use by
- the federal government.) The new standard, called Standard
- Generalized Markup Language (SGML), provides a common way for
- defining markup languages so documents can be transferred from
- author to publisher in a standardized format. By providing a
- coherent and unambiguous syntax for describing the elements within
- a document, SGML makes it easier to move unformatted textual data
- among different installations and processing systems. Developed
- by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and
- the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) with assistance
- from NIST, the SGML standard is already being used by the
- Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support (CALS) program of
- the Department of Defense to develop a military specification.
- NIST is providing technical support for the CALS program. In
- addition, NIST has developed the first set of conformance tests
- for SGML; ISO and ANSI are considering using these tests for their
- own test suites. For possible addenda and changes to 8879, see
- "Recomendations for a Possible Revision of ISO 8879. ISO/IEC
- JTC1/SC18/WG8 N931 [Part I]," TAG 12 (December 1989)
- 6-8 and "Recomendations for a Possible Revision of ISO 8879. Part
- II. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC18/WG8 N931," TAG 13 (February 1990)
- 12-15.
- ISO/TR 9573 Techniques for Using Standard Generalized Markup Language
- (SGML) December 1, 1988. Ed. Anders Berglund. A major revision
- underway (as of May 1990) will result in a TR with (16) parts: (1) SGML
- Tutorial (2) Basic Techniques (3) Advanced Techniques (4) Using Short
- References for Identifying Markup (5) Using non-Latin Alphabets
- (6) Referencing and Synchronisation (7) Mathematics and Chemistry
- (8) Tables (9) Using SGML for Computer-to-Computer Interchange
- (10) Designing Applications for Database Interfacing (11) Application
- at ISO CS for International Standards and Technical Reports
- (12) Public Entity Sets for General and Publishing Symbols (13) Public
- Entity Sets for Mathematics and Science (14) Public Entity Sets for
- Latin Based Alphabets (15) Public Entity Sets for non-Latin Based
- Alphabets (16) Public Entity Sets for Ideograms (adapted from
- Ludo Van Vooren, "SGML Standards Committee Update: Activities of
- ISO SC 18 WG8," TAG 14 (May 1990) [11-] 12. See also Joan M. Smith
- in "More Liaison Statements to ISO," SGML Users' Group Newsletter 13
- (August 1989) 6-7. A description of this ISO document is found in
- "Publication of Techniques for Using SGML," SGML Users' Group Newsletter
- 11 (January 1989) 3-4.
- Other Standards Related to SGML 8879:
- ISO 639 Code for the Representation of Names of Languages.
- ISO 646-1973 7-bit Coded Character Set for Information Interchange
- ISO 2022-1982 Information Processing -- ISO 7-bit and 8-bit Coded
- Character Sets -- Code Extension Techniques.
- ISO 2375-1974 Data Processing -- Procedure for Registration of Escape
- Sequences
- ISO 6429-1983 Additional Control Functions for Character Imaging Devices
- ISO/DIS 6937 Coded Character Sets for Text Communication
- ISO/DIS 7350 Text Communication -- Registration of Graphic Character
- Subrepertoires
- ISO 8613: Information Processing -- Text and Office Systems -- Office Document
- Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Formats.
- ISO 8859 8-bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character Sets. 8 parts.
- ISO 8879 SGML, Amendment No 1. 1 July 1988. 15 pages.
- ISO 9069 Information Processing -- SGML Support Facilities -- SGML Document
- Interchange Format (SDIF).
- ISO 9070 Information Processing -- SGML Suport Facilities -- Registration
- Procedures for Public Text Owner Identifiers. February 1, 1990. 5 pages.
- ISO/DIS 9541 Information Processing -- Font and Character Information
- Interchange. 1989.
- ISO/TR 9544 Information Processing -- Computer-Assisted Publishing --
- Vocabulary (15 July 1988) 43 pages.
- ISO/DIS 10036 Procedure for Registration of Glyph and Glyph-Collection
- Identifiers. 1989. [Includes text of ISO/DIS 9541 on registration]
- ISO/DTR 10037 Information Processing -- SGML and Text Entry Systems --
- Guidelines for SGML Syntax-Directed Editing Systems. 1989.
- ISO/IEC DP 10179 Document Style Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL)
- (ISO Project 1988, 1989. Edited by Sharon Adler.
- ISO/IEC DP 10180 Standard Page Description Language (SPDL).
- ISO 10646 (Character Encoding)
- TR XXXX Operational Model for Text Description and Processing Language
- ==========================================
- 5. Serial Publications Dediccated to SGML
- ==========================================
- <TAG> The SGML Newsletter. This dedicated SGML publication
- is one of several forms of support given to SGML by
- the Graphic Communications Association; GCA sponsors other
- publications, SGML seminars, workshops and SGML events. Contact:
- Graphic Communications Association; 1730 North Lynn Street,
- Suite 604; Arlington, VA 22209-2085; Tel: (703) 841-8160; Telex:
- 510-600-0889; Fax: (703) 841-8171.
- SGML Users' Group Bulletin.
- SGML Users' Group Newsletter. Both publications are sponsored by the
- International SGML Users' Group, founded in 1984 by Joan Smith.
- Contact: Mr. Stephen G. Downie; SGML Users' Group, Secretary; c/o
- SoftQuad Inc.; 720 Spadina Avenue; Toronto, Ontario; CANADA M5S
- 2T9; Tel: 1-416-963-8337.
- ==========================================
- 6. E-mail Forums
- ==========================================
- BITNET: TEI-L@UICVM The electronic discussion forum for the Text
- Encoding Initiative (implementing SGML for markup of texts
- in academic applications, particularly the humanities. Some
- discussion focuses on theoretical/practical issues of SGML.
- Send an interactive BITNET message, or standard mail to
- listserv@uicvm with the single line (as the first line):
- subscribe tei-l your_name
- USENET/UUCP News: comp.text.sgml (Moderator: Ed Vielmetti)
- This discussion forum for SGML began in Fall 1990, and has
- support from a number of experts using or developing commercial
- applications of SGML (e.g., SoftQuad; Open Text Systems; Info-
- Design). The news forum should be accessible from any UNIX site;
- see your local UNIX gurus.
- ==========================================
- 7. Further Bibliography on SGML
- ==========================================
- Cover, Robin; Duncan, Nicholas; Barnard, David. "A Bibliography
- on Structured Text." Technical Report 90-281. Queen's University,
- Kingston, Ontario. June, 1990. 104 pages, 887 entries. This is a
- preliminary print version of a bibliographic and information
- database (compiled by Robin Cover), structured in SGML-database
- and formatted with SGML ->> BibTeX utilities developed at Queen's
- University by Nick Duncan and David Barnard. Contact: Department
- of Computing and Information Science; Queen's University;
- Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6; Tel: (613) 545-6056. The
- bibliographic database also contains sections on SGML supporting
- agencies, institutions and SGML software vendors.
- The electronic version will be placed on a public file server in
- late 1990 or in 1991. New bibliographic references and other SGML
- information for this database are welcome: please send citations
- (published or unpublished materials: technical reports, working papers,
- internal memoranda, articles, product announcements, product reviews) to
- Robin Cover via electronic or postal mail.
- =======================================================================
- Robin Cover BITNET: zrcc1001@smuvm1
- DTS - Semitics & OT INTERNET: robin@txsil.lonestar.org
- 3909 Swiss Avenue UUCP: convex!txsil!robin
- Dallas, TX 75204 TEL: (214) 296-1783/841-3657
- =======================================================================